When Sasha, our Director of Communication, told me our next district newsletter was scheduled for November 5th, you can imagine my thoughts as I pondered what I would say to you on this day. For our family, November 5th is important for an entirely different reason. It’s the 25th birthday of our youngest family member, my son, Shaden! But for the rest of the nation, November 5th conjures up other thoughts and emotions. This is a day of big decisions and outcomes!
As I mentioned in the last newsletter, we are praying for our nation! Our nation needs a move of God, and I believe this move needs to begin in our churches! Renewal and revival within the body of Christ is needed! All of this will happen when important decisions are made. It is my strong belief that we, as pastors and leaders, must give opportunities for people to make decisions to follow Jesus. We must call people to faith! This can happen multiple ways, but it is our calling to urge people to choose Jesus!
In Deuteronomy 30:20 it says ‘You can make this choice by loving the Lord your God, obeying Him and committing yourself firmly to Him. This is the key to your life.’ I have this verse underlined in my Bible and have written these words by it ‘My Dad - May 1980’ and ‘Me - July 1983’. By now, many of you have heard my testimony and you know these are the dates my father and I made the decision to follow Christ. It was simply the most important and consequential decision for both of us! Like the old song says ‘I have decided to follow Jesus. I have decided to follow Jesus. I have decided to follow Jesus. No turning back, no turning back.’
The outcome from the multitude of decisions made in our election today will have huge implications for our nation and our world. Yet the Biggest Decision for every human being on the planet today and every day is to follow Christ. Those implications are eternal! Please call people to faith in Jesus!
I continue to pray for our pastors and leaders of the SoCal district to lead people to follow Jesus. It will make all the difference in our churches and even our nation!
Shawn Siegfreid
District Superintendent
Southern California District Church of the Nazarene